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Company location: United States


A Simplified Energy Benchmarking Tool

Remove both time and difficulty from the energy benchmarking process with our AI-based solution. EnerMark uses Energy Star Portfolio Manager API to radically improve the way you benchmark building energy use.


Past Energy Benchmarking

In the past, benchmarking for building energy usage involved manually updated spreadsheets to evaluate data. This process required large teams and countless labor hours for completion. The entire procedure of energy benchmarking was long and burdensome, making it costly to perform.

Energy Benchmarking Today

EnerMark removes the barriers to performing energy benchmarking. Our system makes use of the Energy Star Portfolio Manager API to allow energy managers to streamline the benchmarking process. Our system attaches to the building and automatically collects data, automating the energy benchmarking process.

Finish Projects Faster

Energy benchmarking is the first step to completing energy and cost-saving projects. EnerMark gives energy managers the energy benchmarking tools they need in one place to speed up the entire process significantly. Allowing them to move to project completion faster.