Enviroboard +5

Company information

BGC Plasterboard Logo

BGC Plasterboard

Company location

Company location: Australia


BGC Enviroboard is manufactured using more recycled content than standard plasterboard. The products within the BGC Enviroboard range do not compromise of performance, giving you an internal lining board that can meet the performance requirements you require but is also friendlier to the environment than standard plasterboard.


At least 11% of the gypsum contained within BGC Enviroboard Commercial and BGC Enviroboard Ultimate has been recycled and uses 100% recycled paper liner which is green in colour on the face of the board to assist with identification.

BGC Enviroboard +5

BGC Enviroboard +5 has been developed as a total solution internal lining. It is ideally suited for a vast array of application including wet areas such as bathrooms so is ideally suited in partitions situations where an FRL (Fire Resistance Level) is required in conjunction with a wet area. As well as having excellent fire and moisture properties BGC Enviroboard +5 also has superior acoustic performance properties and impact resistance. An ideal choice for hospitality and health/hospital applications.