Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) provide a framework so that operations can be undertaken with environmental aspects and impacts of site activities in mind to minimise the potential to cause environmental harm. Effective implementation of an EMP can provide many benefits including:
Reduction in the consumption of energy and raw materials resulting in cost savings;
Reduced waste generation, again providing cost savings in waste disposal or management fees;
Lower distribution costs; and
Improved corporate image.
Our Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) are prepared using the international standard AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004, Environmental Management Systems – Specifications with guidance for use and AS/NZS 14004:2004, General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques.
Perhaps the simplest explanation of the AS/NZS ISO 14001 environmental management system approach is to achieve a continual cycle of improvement in managing environmental matters. Implementation of an EMP enables this to happen in practice.