Environmental Sustainability Solutions

Company information

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GreenA Consultants

Company location

Company location: Singapore



Our Senior Partner helps facilitate the Energy Efficiency in Buildings in East Africa (EEBEA) programme under UN-Habitat as the technical energy expert consultant. For the 5th year running, GreenA is also the appointed Green Knowledge Partner for the Channel NewsAsia Luminary Awards and are part of the Joint Technical Committee for the Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards (SEAA). 


GreenA is the Strategic Partner for the Tanzania Green Building Council and advocates for the national adoption of green building in the country. With strong presence in South East Asia and East Africa, we help organizations in these regions strategize their green building goals in accordance to international green growth targets such as the COP21 commitment and Sustainable Development Goals. 


GreenA collaborates to spread knowledge on Green Building. Some of the organizations/ institutions we’ve conducted talks, seminars and trainings include the ESSEC Business School, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore Environment Council,  Tanzania Green Building Council and the Association of Architects Tanzania. 


We offer the perfect blend of aesthetics and content development for your branding needs based on your targeted media and audience. With our core business as an environmental sustainability consultancy, we will be able to understand your green projects better in order for it to maximize exposure. Drop us an email to request for our portfolio. 


GreenA works with publications to develop content for topics on environmental sustainability. We’ve worked on technical comprehensive guidebooks on energy efficiency for professionals, to booklets on green saving tips for children and youths from the ages at 7-16. We also work with magazines and newspapers for their features. 


In previous years, we’ve developed eco-audit protocols for all pre-schools, primary schools a well as secondary schools in Singapore. This year, apart from enhancing existing protocols, we developed the School Green Award Audit for Institutes of Higher Learning as well as the Eco-Shop and Eco-F&B audits under the Singapore Environment Council.