EPD Program

Company information

Global GreenTag Logo

Global GreenTag

Company location

Company location: Australia


Global GreenTag operates an ISO and EN compliant Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Program.

The reporting of its LCA studies is issued as an ISO 14025 compliant OR EN 15804 compliant EPDThese are summary LCA reports where requested or relevant to local scheme requirements, can also be reported in accordance with ISO 21930.

In these formats they are LEEDv4®* compliant (162+ countries) and BREEAM®** compliant (68+ countries) and Green Star in Australia, New Zealand and Africa.

Every EPD is underpinned by relevant Product Category Rules (PCR). PCRs are a set of specific rules, requirements, and guidelines for developing environmental declarations for products that can fulfill equivalent functions. PCRs determine what information should be gathered, how that information should be evaluated, and how it should be presented in a form of environmental declaration.