To obtain planning approval, an increasing number of councils are requiring a project to showcase sustainable design initiatives to ensure it is future proof and will get through to Development Approval. Leading the way on sustainability is the Council Alliance for the Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE), which accounts for the majority of councils in Victoria.
Depending on the size of the project, councils require either a Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) or Sustainable Management Plan (SMP) which includes a minimum score of 50% on the Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS), among other things. In addition, there are councils that require alternative assessments using tools such as Green Star.
In one meeting, we run through multiple different themes with you and help you to decide on the sustainability initiatives for your project in order to showcase your commitment to the future.
Our services include:
• SDA or SMP Report
• BESS Assessment
• Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessment (WSUD) using either the STORM or MUSIC
• Preliminary Section J energy check
• Daylight assessment
• Thermal comfort assessment
• Green Travel Plan (GTP)
• Waste Management Plan (WMP)
• SUHO Sustainability Statement
• WUFI Wall and Roof condensation analysis
Custom ESD Advisory
We are very conscious that our sustainability services need to be adaptable and provide guidance for specific client and project needs. Our custom services are therefore always expanding. Present us with a challenge and we’d love to come up with a solution for you!
Our service offering includes:
Sustainability workshops (using the detailed sustainability matrix we have developed in house) to assist developers and landowners to determine the most appropriate design options
Early stage design feedback and
preliminary energy modeling
Custom services:
Climate Change Adaptation Plans
Site and Climate analysis
CFD modeling
Shading analysis
Daylight studies (Glare, DF, DA)
Thermal Comfort studies
Solar PV Sizing
Estimating/optimising energy
consumption of existing buildings