
Company information

Acme-Hardesty Co Logo

Acme-Hardesty Co

Company location

Company location: United States


We carry cosmetic fillers that manufacturers and end users can trust. Fillers are ingredients found in cosmetics that create texture, volume or lubrication, modifying the feel of personal care substances such as makeup, moisturizers and hair care products. Among the more common types of fillers on the market, parabens are preservatives that maintain product integrity. Bio-based polyethylene glycols (PEGs) are other widely used fillers that act as thickeners, solvents and penetration enhancers in cosmetic products.

With ECKART as our exclusive cosmetic filler supplier, you can expect our ingredients to encompass their ideals of environmental safety and sustainability. Their resource-saving, biodegradable filler ingredients provide the proper stabilization and rheology to optimize your personal care products, giving them the look and feel you desire.

NATURAL -Ecofil B110

SYNTHETIC -Synafil W 1234 Synafil S 1050 Synafil S 525 Synafil S 115