Flex MSE Living Wall

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Company location: United Kingdom


How Flex MSE Works?

Flex MSE is a Patented engineered solution for vegetated retaining walls and erosion control.

Flex MSE Bags and Interlocking Plates are used to build naturally resilient Geomodular structures.

A unique soft building material which exhibits hard material qualities, Flex MSE is a retaining wall system that gets stronger and greener as time goes on.

Flex MSE is a Patented system with a design life of over 120 years that leverages Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) principles along with geotextile technology to create strong and easy to install Geomodular block structures that can be planted.

Building With Flex MSE

Flex MSE Bags are:

Filled with sand and organics

An ideal “planter block” for many types of vegetation

Water and root permeable

Flexible enough to create almost any contour or angle

Flex MSE Plates are:

Made from 100% recycled material

Designed to bridge the gap between Bags to create an interlocking mechanical connection

Engineered with Friction Strips for greater Bag to Bag mechanical connection and Geogrid hooks to connect to soil reinforcement