High performance, flexible weldable pre-insulated plastic system for district heating/cooling applications
Highest insulation class for plastic pipe systems and perfect fit for low temperature heating networks
Large network capacity with service pipes up to OD315mm
Full compatibility with Flexalen® 600: combining highest insulation class of main lines with the most flexible house service connections
Can be welded removing mechanical joints
High-pressure/temperature rating 95°C/8 bar
Flexalen PUR is a pre-insulated plastic pipe system consisting of fully flexible and semi-flexible pipes (SL). The flexible pre-insulated pipe system is produced conform to the European standard EN15632-1, 2 and KIWA system certified as well as third-party controlled according BRL KOMO 5609-2. The PB service pipes are conform to EN-ISO 15876. The PUR foam and LDPE casing pipe of the semi-flexible pre-insulated pipes (SL) fulfil the functional requirements according EN253.