Food Packaging Container

Company information

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Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


ThermoFibre’s food packaging can be manufactured to address a variety of needs for your products. We are experts at providing a sustainable solution that works seamlessly with a customer’s existing process without needing any changes. Our team will assist you with the appropriate product for fit and function.


For more demanding applications such as point of sale and food delivery we offer laminated versions of our products. The laminate is extremely thin; less than 7% of the net weight of the tray. In most cases, depending on your recycling guidelines, the thin lamination allows the item to be able to be put in the mainstream recycling program.  We use a variety of materials for this process. Our team will assist with which lamination is best for you. 

ThermoFibre’s Eco-peel(patent pending) feature is for select products, allowing the consumer to take a soiled food container, remove the film leaving a clean tray that can be recycled with mixed paper! This technology is eco-friendly and allows the laminate to be discarded in the appropriate container and the tray can be recycled or composted.