Bokashi composting is great for small commercial kitchens and canteens generating volumes up to 1,500kg per month.
Available in 50L or 100L bins the bokashi fermentation keeps your kitchen clean, vermin and odour free.
Food waste ferments and does not rot.
Closed system so no fly or vermin infestations.
If a collection service is required, costs can be reduced by reducing upliftment frequency (no rotting so no smells).
The Earth Cycler easily handles up to 5,000kg of food waste per month (including carbon component (wood chips, saw dust, waste cardboard/paper).
This is a flow through system with a very small footprint (fits into a car parking space).
Energy consumption is very low at 34kWh per month.
The Earth Cycler measures inputs and output weights as well as compost temperature.
All functions are controlled through a touch pad on the composter or via a mobile phone.
A data link enables the Earth Cycler to be remotely managed and receive over-the-air software updates as well as feed data to online dashboards.
The Earth Cycler easily handles up to 5,000kg of food waste per month (including carbon component (wood chips, saw dust, waste cardboard/paper).
This is a flow through system with a very small footprint (fits into a car parking space).
Energy consumption is very low at 34kWh per month.
The Earth Cycler measures inputs and output weights as well as compost temperature.
All functions are controlled through a touch pad on the composter or via a mobile phone.
A data link enables the Earth Cycler to be remotely managed and receive over-the-air software updates as well as feed data to online dashboards.