Food Wet Waste Disposer With Remote Air Switch

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The FCD 0.75 HP model is perfect for domestic use. This model can be very useful to a family of 5 to 6 people. Its 0.75HP motor gives it a speed of up to 3700rpm. You can put soft peels and scraps of fruits, eggshells, meat, and fish wastes in it. It has a remote wireless air switch which works on kinetic energy. It helps to fasten the disposal process of wet kitchen waste. You can put in 2 to 4 kilos of waste per day in the 1200ml grinding chamber.

Model: FCD-720R  Luxury

Motor: 3/4 HP (0.75HP)

Motor Speed: 3700 RPM

Grinding  Chamber Capacity:1200ml

Grinding Material: SUS420

Warranty: 12 Months 

With Wireless Remote Air Switch 

Usage: 2 kgs to 4 kgs / Day