Frog Ponds

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Sustainable Outdoors

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Company location: Australia


Frogs play an important role in our ecosystem as an ‘indicator species’ – by letting us know when there’s something wrong with the system. Australia has over 200 frog species and around 30 of them live in the south-west of Western Australia.

Here are some tips to consider for your frog pond:

Location – the perfect location should be wet, quiet, have access to filtered sunlight & shade.

Shelter – frogs love spaces where they can hide and be protected. You can use either natural or artificial features for shelter such as logs, pipes, rocks or holed bricks.

Plants – fill your wet area with native plants. They not only provide additional shelter but will also attract insects which your frogs feed on. Water plants such as rushes or sedges also keep the water clean.

No chemicals – frogs have very sensitive skin which they drink and breathe from. Avoid chemicals and (non-organic) fertilisers in and around your wet area as they may cause harm.