Gas Detection Equipments

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Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd Logo

Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd

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Company location: United States


Wireless Gas Detection Networks

Acme offers a full range of wireless gas detection products that will meet the demands of even the most complex Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide applications.  Our product offering includes panels ranging anywhere between 4 to 256 points, remote relay modules for in-situ activation of ventilation and transmitters with operational ranges of 10,000 square feet.

Rs-485 Gas Detection Networks

These control systems monitor up to 256 remote detectors via a 4-wire RS-485 daisy-chain communication link, reducing installation costs. While typically used for enclosed vehicular facilities where CO and NO2 (for Diesel fumes) are the gases detected, the panel can also be configured to monitor CO2, Propane, Methane, Gasoline Vapors and other toxics and combustibles, please consult the factory. Remote sensors can cover up to 10,000 sq. ft. each depending on the layout of the space.

Stand Alone Detectors

The stand-alone detection units can be equipped with up to two sensors, for example, (1) built-in CO sensor and (1) remote sensor that can be for any one of the three gases listed, namely, CO, NO2 or Combustible gas (CH4 C3H8). This “system-in-a-box” that provides dry contacts for the activation of fans, dampers and audible/visual alarms at preselected alarm levels.


Single and multi-point sample-draw monitoring for indoor air quality or industrial applications utilizing infrared sensor technology and electrochemical cells. Digital readout of PPM contaminant levels, relay and digital outputs, analog voltage/current output signals available. Different detection ranges available covering all the gases of our current ambient monitoring detection technologies.