Gingerella Soda

Company information

Karma Drinks Logo

Karma Drinks

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


We’re proudly certified organic by the Soil Association, which means reducing the amount of toxins put into the earth with every drink and protecting the soil to keep our future harvests safe. This guarantees the best quality drinks from our planet and for you.

Gingerella is made from Mother Nature’s magical healer—ginger—grown organically by Fairtrade farmers in Wayamba, Sri Lanka. Its clean, crisp and fiery kick comes from a unique blend of Fairtrade organic ginger, lemons, sugar and spice and a fair deal for the people who grow them.

Please note: Due to challenges in our supply chain beyond our control, our 24 case of cans will temporarily be delivered in a shrink-and-tray plastic outers. Thank you for pateince while we work hard to find an alternative solution.