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Earth Anatomy

Company location

Company location: Australia


Granite is an igneous rock that can form in an array of colors depending on its mineralogy and quartz composition. Granite is a hard and very tough stone that has been used for centuries in construction and monuments that need to stand the tests of time.

Granite has become a point of interest in real estate marketing for its use in kitchens and bathrooms as counter top surfaces due to its durability and appearance. Earth Anatomy’s granite veneers now let you incorporate those same properties into countless applications in an easy-to-install material in multiple colors and thicknesses.


 Hospitality & Restaurants

 Retail Joinery

 Feature Walls

 Commercial Spaces

 Columns & Pillars

 Offices and Partitions



 Furniture and Millwork

 Trade Exhibitions

 Aircraft/Watercraft Interiors

 General Use Veneer


Material Size & Thickness (mm)

Fiberglass 610 x 1220 x 2.5

Aluminum Composite 1200 x 2400 x 6

Honey Comb 1200 x 2400 x 19