Grease Trap Cleaning

Company information

Envirocare Logo


Company location

Company location: United Arab Emirates


Grease traps are the most effective way of stopping fats, oil and grease entering your drainage system. All passive grease traps require regular service and removal of accumulated waste for environmental disposal and fat trap maintenance is an essential part of effective grease control in your drainage systems.

Enviro Care  specializes in draining grease trap using top-class vacuum sucking machines and tankers as per Dubai Municipality stipulation.

Any size, any location – we can provide a fast efficient grease trap service:

For grease traps installed in the basement of buildings, outside building, Catering Companies, restaurants located in food courts or shopping malls,.

Grease Trap cleaning and waste removal can be carried out at any time of day during the week to suit your business. This will ensure that these regular services do not interfere with the day-to-day commercial activity of your business.

Our professional grease trap service programmed includes emptying and cleaning the entire contents of the unit that has built up during everyday use, inspection of the drain runs and your drainage systems, removal from site and environmental disposal of the grease trap waste.