Green Infrastructure and Green Roofs

Company information

The Ecology Consultancy Logo

The Ecology Consultancy

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


The Ecology Consultancy works with a variety of clients including developers, planners, Local Authorities, Business Improvement Districts and other consortia, engineers and architects, to provide practical and innovative enhancements and robust Green Infrastructure (GI).

GI is about creating high-quality green spaces where people will want to live and work. GI includes green roofs, walls and SuDS features such as rain gardens. GI can also provide ecosystem services, for example, attenuating storm water run-off and reducing pollutants. We believe GI should be an integral part of planning and development alongside more traditional ‘grey’ infrastructure such as road, rail and utilities. The concepts of ecosystem services and green infrastructure are now recognised as important planning tools.

What is required?

Green Infrastructure audits cover all green space from parks, open spaces and playing fields, to woodlands, allotments and even private gardens. Assessments are also made of the viability to green flat roofs and walls. Although most relevant to urban regeneration, ideally GI should be part of a multi-functional network that also connects to rural green-space.

What we do

Our team of ecologists deliver Green Infrastructure services including:

GI audits of urban areas including the use of aerial photography and site plans

Providing Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and follow up surveys

Accurate mapping of all features using GIS platform if required

Designing for and advising on the most appropriate GI features for biodiversity

Advising at the master-planning stage for larger sites

Providing detailed green roof and green wall designs to enhance development