Green Mark Certification

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Company location: Singapore


BCA Green Mark, developed and administered by Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) is an internationally recognised sustainability rating system applicable to new buildings and fitouts (Design and Construction) and  existing building performance.  BCA Green Mark has been providing meaningful differentiation of buildings in the real estate market for more than ten years and continues to drive Singapore's construction industry towards more environment-friendly buildings. BCA Green Mark is applicable to many building types including commercial property, schools, healthcare facilities and data centres. JLL has extensive experience with Green Mark since its introduction in 2005.  We can add value every step of the way starting with a gap assessment to help our clients understand what certification level is achievable.  Our approach to integrated design and understanding of property operations helps ensure your asset continues to perform post rating certification. We’ve recently helped one of Singapore’s leading banks to achieve a Green Mark portfolio rating for 20 of their branches.  This streamlined approach enables clients to achieve multiple ratings with minimal effort and realise the benefits of green buildings across more of their property portfolio JLL also supports BCA Green Mark through participation in the Green Mark Advisory Committee