Green Travel Plan (GTP)

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NRG Efficient Homes

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Company location: Australia


A Green Travel Plan (GTP) provides measures to encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport.

They are usually required for larger developments that exceed 10+ dwellings or larger commercial developments.

A Green Travel Plan is prepared at planning stage to ensure suitable infrastructure and resources are available for successful adaptation of the travel plan.

It provides occupants with detailed information for alternative transport means and encourages the use of green travel.

Incorporation of a Green Travel Plan to any development will assist to reduce the use of private vehicle transport, reducing green house gas emissions and on-road congestion.

As the population grows and high density housing continues green travel is an important considering factor that will be incorporated into more future developments to assist with sustainable measures and plans for local and national government bodies.

The plan typically includes targets and actions for a new development to promote walking, cycling and the use of public transport and carpooling.

A Green Travel Plan can either be a stand alone report or incorporated into your ESD report.

NRG efficient homes can assist and prepare a Green Travel Plan and ESD report for your development application, we have worked with many Victorian councils and have a good understanding of local requirements and have a good compliance record.