Our Waste Treatment Division consists of three ISO 14001-accredited treatment facilities located in Yorkshire which, together, process 250,000 tonnes of liquid, solid and packaged wastes every year. All have excellent transport links.
Let us take care of your waste
At FCC Environment, we know that complying with legislation and ensuring end-to-end traceability can be confusing. Our Industrial and Hazardous Waste Solutions service takes the hassle out of your waste management.
Our friendly and experienced team is just a phone call away, so let us know if you have hazardous waste to deal with and leave the rest of us. Our flexible approach to industrial and hazardous waste management is designed to fit in around the needs of your business.
Our dedicated industrial and hazardous waste package offers you:
Safe, professional and sustainable treatment, recycling, resource recovery and disposal using the very latest technology.
Detailed assessments of your waste by our experienced and technically qualified assessors.
A collection service with nationwide coverage.
Collection and transportation of your waste to a dedicated management centre.
Full documentation and compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations.
One-stop shop for waste solutions
Everything we do is designed to solve waste problems. As well as scheduled collections, we offer industrial and hazardous waste services and solutions that will save you money and time.
FCC Environment Hazardous Waste Solutions
Chemical manufacturing waste waters
Aqueous effluents and washings from chemical processes
Interceptor Wastes
Liquids and sludges from interceptors and oil/water separators in car parks and vehicle washing sites.
Powder wastes (bulk or packaged)
Lime and carbonate-based air pollution control (APC) residues from flue gas treatment at incinerators and similar installations.
Inorganic acids and alkalis (bulk or packaged)
Hydrochloric, sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric and chromic acids and inorganic alkalis such as sodium and potassium hydroxides.
Inorganic oxidising agents (packaged)
Treatment of packaged inorganic oxidisers. either as solutions or free-flowing granular solids.
Landfill leachates
Collection, treatment and discharge to our partner sewage treatment works.
Retail packs
Confidential destruction of retail goods, from personal care items and cosmetics to household chemicals.
Oil/water mixtures (bulk or drums)
For treatment and oil recovery where possible.
Laboratory chemicals
Sorting, treatment and/or transfer of waste laboratory chemicals from schools, colleges and industrial laboratories.
Low and non-hazardous wastes
Safe treatment and landfill of low or non-hazardous liquids, sludges and solids.
Hazardous waste landfill
Treatment and fully auditable disposal of hazardous filter cakes and sludges.
High hazard wastes (packaged)
Recovery or specialist disposal.