Company information

UKWSL UK Waste Solutions Logo

UKWSL UK Waste Solutions

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


UKWSL provides a service nationally, to collect and process Hazardous and WEEE Waste produced by businesses, from a single location to a multi-site national.

We have a wide range of containers within our service offering to ensure the correct size container and collection frequency is provided for your needs. Matching you with the correct containers will minimise the cost of waste collections whilst delivering environmental benefits, tailored specifically for your business.

We will ensure that your business is compliant with legislation. Utilising the most efficient collection method combined with state-of-the-art facilities, we will safely process, recycle and recover energy from the treatment process.

Any organisation producing more than 500kg of hazardous waste must now pre-register with the Environment Agency. If you are legally required we can also register your site as a hazardous waste producer, saving you time and ensuring your compliance with hazardous waste regulations.

Our WEEEE waste service provides a compliant service ensuring you meet the WEEE Regulations.

UKWSL offer a full range of hazardous waste services including:

AsbestosBatteriesChemicals (brake fluid or print toner)Contaminated RagsFluorescent TubesOilsOil FiltersPesticidesSolventsTanker CollectionsTyresWaste Oil

Electrical waste (WEEE) including:

Computer monitorsFridgesFreezersKeyboardsTelephonesTV’s

Other hazardous WEEE waste services are available on request.