HD High Density Acoustic White Batts are designed to reduce reverberated sound, impact noise and noise transmission between rooms, mid-floor cavities and external sources.
HD White Batts are also available with an aluminium vapour barrier suitable for lagging of industrial equipment and air conditioning ducts. Other uses include storage tanks, process equipment, appliance cabinets, plant rooms and acoustic baffles.
Acoustica® High Density White Batts are available in weights of 22 kg/m², 28-32 kg/m², 44-48 kg/m² and up to 180 kg/m² with thickness from 25 mm to 100 mm and widths of 430 to 1200 mm. HD sound insulation batts are made from non-irritant polyester which is dust free and won't cause any skin or other irritations. Acoustica® HD White Batts will not deteriorate over time and are unaffected by mould, mildew and rot, and resistant to vermin and insect attack. When tested in an atmosphere of 65% relative humidity at 20℃ in accordance with the British Standard 2972-1975, the moisture content of Acoustica® High Density White Batts is less than 0.1% per volume.
Thermal Conductivity of Acoustica® High Density White Batts at mean temp of 20℃:
28-32 kg/m3 0.357 W/mK
44-48 kg/m3 0.0335 W/mK
>50 kg/m3 0.032 W/mK
Max service temperature*:
22 kg/m3 90℃
28-32 kg/m3 150℃
44-48 kg/m3 150℃
*When used as a vapour barrier facing (plain or perforated) max. surface temperature is limited to 70℃ in all Batts
HD White Batts have a 4 zero fire rating, conforming to the BCA as tested AS1530-3
ignitability (0-20): 0
Spread of flame (0-10): 0
Heat evolved (0-10): 0
Smoke developed (0-10): 0