For use in the context of implementing FSC Controlled Wood standards
After more than three years of extensive consultation and development, the developed framework that has been revised by the multi-chamber Policy and Standards Committee of FSC Australia has been approved by FSC International, click on the link below to download the framework.
The date of effect of this framework is 1st May, 2013.
Clarifications regarding the status of the Framework:
• The Framework is mandatory in the context of Controlled Wood.
• It is not mandatory for full Forest Management but should be considered an important guidance document.
• As per FSC International's Guidelines for the revision of Normative Documents current certificate holders have 12 months from the date of publication (May 1st, 2013). For all new Certificate holders it is now in effect.
Clarification regarding definition of 'old growth':
Recently a request for interpretation was made to FSC International and FSC Australia regarding a potential contradiction between the definition of 'old growth' in the HCV Assessment Framework on page 13 and that provided in the glossary at the end of the document. The following was issued as an interpretation:
Resolution (for FSCA Board): Recognising the apparent inconsistency between the ‘old-growth’ definition on page 13 (HCV 3 Section) of the HCV Assessment Framework and the definition provided in the glossary, the Board of FSC Australia re-affirms the page 13 definition as being the official, normative definition. This reflects the original intention of the document drafters (and stakeholders) as supported by the Board.
If you have any queries please contact: [email protected]