Home Siting Service

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Company location: Australia


So you have just purchased your perfect site, your little sanctuary for years to come. You have all these thoughts buzzing through your head about possible designs. You’ve spent countless hours looking through Pin interest and Houzz. You are almost buried under a mountain of magazines. What’s next?? A little confused with all the options available to you?? Don’t know where to start?

A great place to begin is to get to know your block and conduct a site analysis. Basically yo…u are studying your site and immediate surrounds for anything that will positively or negatively impact your site and ultimately your design. It is best to do this at various times of the day.

Some examples but definitely not limited to:

-Solar access to site.

-Over shadowing of existing buildings/ trees

-Prevailing winds

-Noise from roads

-Views you may have.


-Existing context

-Access to site.

-And many more.

When you combine these observations with a professional contour and feature survey you will know your site well, along with its strengths and weaknesses. These elements can help make or break your project! Unfortunately it’s not quite that simple as there are other elements that only your architect or designer will be able to inform you of. Such as, planning requirements,possible bush fire attack levels (yes even in the metro area) and many more.

Ecotect Architects offers a working site plan service, where we conduct a simple site analysis. We then produce a site plan with a basic floor plan and possibly a section. These are based on your budget and general space requirements. The plan is orientated to best suit the site conditions that we believe would work very well. This is only a very basic plan, however it provides a good grounding that we use as a talking point to progress further (see examples below). Then you can bombard us with all your inspirational images!

We only charge $550 incl GST for this service. We feel this is an extremely affordable option which provides a way for you to pick our brains and get informed, explore options and get to know one another before progressing. If you do decide to proceed with Ecotect Architects for a full design service then we will waive the working site plan fee.

(This doesn’t include a site contour and feature survey)