How can a business support global forests?

Company information

Natural Capital Partners Logo

Natural Capital Partners

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


Forests represent one of the largest, most cost-effective climate solutions available today, and are essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Through carbon finance our clients support projects which conserve and restore forests around the world. Their programmes enable them to take action on climate change, build resilience and support communities in the supply chains and operations of their business, and engage their staff and customers through high impact action.

Delivering reforestation projects in key business locations

Natural Capital Partners works with clients to deliver reforestation projects in locations which are important to their business: building supply chain resilience, engaging staff in tree planting and creating green community spaces. 

In Ireland we are the first Approved Natural Capital Facilitator for the Irish government’s new collaboration with business to increase native woodland in the country – the Woodland Environmental Fund (WEF).  Through OUR WORK WITH MICROSOFT to plant 130 hectares of native woodlands, the programme is making a significant contribution to the country’s goal of 2,700 hectares of new woodland by 2020. 

In Kenya we support the resilience of smallholder farmers in the tea supply chain through a TREE PLANTING PROGRAMME which helps improve land productivity and delivers new sources of income.

In the Netherlands, a reforestation project near Microsoft’s data centre has enabled team members to participate in tree planting activities and contributed to the development of green spaces for local communities. Have a look at the video on the left to see how the Microsoft team felt about the programme.