HydroBall System

Company information

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Hydroball Technics

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Company location: Singapore


The Non-Powered HydroBall System is a planted automatic tube cleaning system used in commercial and industrial buildings to reduce energy wastage accompanied by R&D ingenuity and sound engineering design that covers every potential reduction in resource consumption.

As the innovation to achieve “state-of-the-art design” was given full management support, HydroBall System has sufficiently developed to eliminate equipment downtime and optimises energy consumption by automatically keeping the inner surface of the tubes perpetually free from fouling and scaling deposits.

HydroBall System is the perfect cost-effective solution that optimises and decreases the usage of resources caused by the weak heat exchanger in the condenser and the energy needed for the chiller compressor to pump while delivering the same amount of cooling.

Our test results show that all chillers in central air-con systems equipped with HydroBall System have a trouble-free operation with the technical support from local distributors. It ensures optimal heat exchange efficiency, contributing to the prevention of unnecessary energy loss.

Aside from helping to eradicate such wastages that contribute to climate change, the Non-Powered Automatic Tube Cleaning System also prolong equipment’s life with low maintenance cost. Due to the continuity of innovation, ATCS is now one of the most widely patented products in the world.