InviroTech WrapAround Heat Pipes

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Company location: Malaysia


Wrap-Around Heat Pipes, as the name suggests, are installed having two sections, Pre-Cool Section (evaporator) and Reheat Section (condenser), on two sides of cooling coil inside an AHU.

While Pre-Cool Section saves energy by reducing the temperature of the incoming air, the Reheat section provides supplementary heat which enhances the moisture removal of the coil. These Heat Pipes are versatile and useful in a wide variety of building types and have been equally successful in commercial as well as industrial applications.

Heat Pipes eliminate the need for ‘expensive to operate’ methods like electric heaters & desiccant dehumidifiers for RH control of around 50-55%, saving the building from being ‘Sick Building’. Heat Pipes saving are huge in terms of Operating Costs.

Benefits of Wrap-Around Heat Pipes

Heat Pipes provide the right humidity indoors, always.

Heat Pipes have no moving parts, there is nothing to wear & tear

Zero maintenance cost

Virtually indefinite life span

Installed inside AHU to suit all AHU some, in most cases, needs no extra room space.