ISO 50001 standard

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Conserve Consultants

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Company location: India


In July 2011, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) released the ISO 50001 standard, Energy Management System, with its requirements and guidance for use, which provides the essential framework and guidelines for establishing and operating an energy management system in general terms.

Implementation of the ISO 50001 standard envisages systematic management of energy leading to reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, energy cost, and other related environmental impacts.

The implementation comprises the following stages: ‘Planning’ to conduct the energy review and establish the baseline and action plans in accordance with the organisation’s energy policy, ‘Doing’ to implement the energy management action plans, ‘Checking’ to monitor and measure processes, and ‘taking Action’ to continually improve energy performance of an organisation.

This International Standard is applicable irrespective of the types of energy involved, and is used for certification, registration and self-declaration of an organisation’s Energy Management System (EnMS). It does not establish absolute requirements for energy performance beyond the commitments in the energy policy of the organisation. Two organisations carrying out similar operations, but having different energy performance, can both conform to its requirements. Effective energy management isn’t just good for business, it’s also becoming a requirement. And the best way to achieve it is with ISO 50001.