Lamp Recycling

Company information

BLUBOX Trading AG Logo


Company location

Company location: Switzerland


The BLUBOX enables to process all kind of lamps in one machine.


The recycling of fluorescent tubes is done in a batch process. Means that the lamps are filled in a mixer, where these are broken down and crushed to smaller particles. At the same time, escaping mercurial lamp powder is captured by the exhaust gas system. All compact lamps are processed with the shredder. Due to this treatment, also lamps with strong plastic or aluminium covers can be recycled with the BLUBOX.

All hazardous are separated by the exhaust gas system and collected separately within the BLUBOX. The whole system is built-in a 40ft HC container, which is constantly working under negative pressure to ensure a clean enviornment.

The output products are free from mercury and can be sold on the market. Beside of end caps and glass, also the lamp powder has a positive value due to 15 % of rare earths.

The recycling capacity of lamps is up to 500 kg/h, which results in 1000 t a year based on an 8 hour working shift.