Kraft Paper Mail Bag

Company information

Lil Packaging Logo

Lil Packaging

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Company location: United Kingdom


Made using kraft paper, resin based glues and soy vegetable based inks, our paper mailbags represent a significant step forwards in removing plastics from ecommerce.

Our kraft paper mailbags have been specifically designed for ecommerce. Great for eco-conscious fashion brands looking to reduce plastic in their line-up, our kraft mailbags are recyclable, sustainable and eco-friendly. What's more, our kraft paper mailbags are printed using plant-based inks.

They are supplied flat, so they make a great choice for smaller businesses with minimal storage space and are great for mailing out items that are unlikely to be damaged in transit: clothing and apparel, small fabric accessories, soft toys and more. These mailing bags have been thoroughly researched, trialled and tested against the competition and represent the best quality on the market.

Kraft paper mail bags: tested and proven weather and water resistant!

Using standard Cobalt Chloride humidity indicator cards, placed inside our kraft paper mail bags, we observed the following results…

3 hours outside, directly in heavy rainfall - internal air moisture increased to 30% from a baseline of 10%, with no visible water ingress

30 seconds directly under a running tap - air moisture increased to 20% from a baseline of 10%, with no visible water ingress

Thanks to a combination of high quality, dense, long-fibre kraft paper (which is naturally splash resistant and is pressure sealed during production) and a strong, consistent, glue application along the seams (minimising the chance of leaks), risks of water and weather damage is minimised with our Lil bag range of kraft paper bags.