Liquid Vitae Fertilization

Company information

Sustainscape, inc Logo

Sustainscape, inc

Company location

Company location: United States


The development of Liquid Vitae started from an observation, which created an idea.  In 2005, Dennis was diving in an ocean reef off Delray Beach, FL and saw a green ocean algae covering a reef.  He learned the algae was the result of a nutrient runoff from our waterways.  Ever since that day, Dennis has dedicated his life to learning more about ocean algae, sustainability, and how to develop an organic fertilizer to help reduce the devastating impacts. 

Liquid Vitae was created based on ocean nutrients, rainwater, and vermiculture.  This proprietary blend was intended to reduce nutrients flowing into our canals, intracoastal waterway, and ocean. In 2015 Liquid Vitae was trademarked by Sustainscape, Inc.  Using a vermicompost blend of earth minerals combined with sea nutrients the company began learning how organic fertilizer is an effective solution to feed plants.  The earthworm’s natural action converts compost into castings rich in beneficial bacteria.  Rain water is the base for the solution. Sustainscape was actively manufacturing the organic fertilizer and applying the product at many residential properties in South Florida. 

During a 2018 research trip to Belize, Dennis noticed a nuisance seaweed bloom in the Caribbean. Sparked by environmental passion and entrepreneurial spirit, Dennis began a journey to understand this seaweed,  Sargassum spp, an ocean algae mostly seen in the Atlantic Ocean.   After studying the effects of Sargasso on the health of plants, Liquid Vitae blend was dramatically improved.

During a 2018 research trip to Belize, Dennis discovered a nuisance seaweed bloom in the Caribbean. Sparked by environmental passion and entrepreneurial spirit, Dennis began a journey to understand this seaweed,  Sargassum spp, an ocean algae mostly seen in the Atlantic Ocean.   After studying the effects of Sargasso on the health of plants, Liquid Vitae blend was dramatically improved. The product is enjoying continued success in residential and is proud of the success brought to Morikami Gardens, a county park in Palm Beach. 

One part of the fertilization product takes excess sea minerals from the ocean and applies them to the soil and foliage readily available for plant absorption. The second part delivers beneficial bacteria, assisting with the health of a plant’s root system.

While we are further studying the true benefits of Sargasso as a fertilizer, the large blooms in the Caribbean could be due to excess nitrogen runoff from our own communities along the coast.  Sustainscape is focusing on alternative fertilization formulation through continuous improvement processes and research.

Liquid Vitae brings the elements into a landscape allowing life to flourish.  Applying Liquid Vitae allows for an immediate enjoyment; it is safe for people and pets immediately after application, requiring no special handling.  Liquid Vitae improves the health of your landscape with each application.   The product is manufactured and distributed out of Boca Raton, FL.