Lithium-silicon Battery

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Group 14

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Company location: United States



Reimagined into its most ideal form for energy storage — amorphous and nano-sized — silicon has 10x the capacity of graphite by mass. Precisely engineered, SCC55™ is the perfect combination of carbon, silicon, and void space and is readily available as a drop-in ready for any blend ratio with graphite or as a complete displacement to deliver unmatched energy density and cycle life stability.


SCC55™ has five times the capacity and affords up to 50% more energy density than conventional graphite for Lithium battery anodes. It’s unique hard carbon-based scaffolding keeps silicon in the most ideal form – amorphous, nano-sized, and carbon-encased. The result is the best-in-class anode material that exhibits outstanding first cycle efficiency and long life upon Li-ion battery cycling.

Stable and flexible, SCC55™ delivers

Designed to shape the leading edge of what is possible with lithium-ion, our hard carbon-based scaffolding is a silicon-dominant composite, composed with amorphous, nano-sized silicon. Drop-in ready, SCC55™ consists of integrated intra-particle void space, with low surface area and is made with readily available, non-exotic, ultra-high purity materials.

Easily tuned to optimize lithium-silicon battery performance


The patented two-step process to create the perfect material for every application









Synthesizing porous hard carbon scaffold

Dryrolysis is both an incredibly efficient and environmentally friendly approach to synthesizing carbon to create the perfect carbon scaffold. Highly scalable, this novel approach removes the need for solvent by combining dry polymerization with thermal processing. This platform yields the ideal carbon scaffold for a silicon-carbon composite – ideal for retaining amorphous, nano-sized silicon. Importantly, Dryrolysis is accomplished in a single step and in a single reactor.


Creating easily tunable amorphous silicon

Siligenesis is how we make the world’s best silicon anode material. Creating both silicon and tuned internal void spaces within the carbon scaffolding, this novel approach employs a non-exotic precursor that converts into silicon within the porous carbon scaffold. Beyond providing for the ideal form of silicon, Siligenesis also supports silicon's expansion and contraction within remaining intraparticle void spaces of the composite, further boosting electrochemical performance.


Scaffold Prime™

Ideal composites for an all-electric world









While lithium-ion continues its reign as the global power source for the electrification era, the demands for new levels of performance - from yield to range to charge cycle - are also rising. Scaffold Prime™ was designed as the lithium-silicon solution to replace incumbent lithium-ion technologies with a highly efficient, industrial-scale approach that yields the ideal composites for any electrification use case. By simplifying the creation of the silicon-carbon composite down to two patented process steps, creating both carbon and silicon in single reactors, Scaffold Prime™ is shaping the leading edge of what is possible.

Cracking Lithium-Ion’s Hurdles

We’re at the tipping point

Within the last decade, improvements to lithium-ion have only been incremental for the most common source of electric power while the range of devices and vehicles continues to rapidly expand. This rising tide of new performance expectations demands not only a step change in the novel battery chemistry approach to materials, but one that also factors in the necessity for non-exotic, industrial-scale drop-in solutions.

Tunable Power for Any Application

Controlling cost & dialing up density

Scaffold Prime™ applies complex polymer chemistries to create silicon-carbon nanocomposites as anode materials that don’t require any change to current battery cell manufacturing. Our patented materials deliver the most optimal combination of high energy density, stability, fast-charging, and scalability while achieving the ideal electrochemical properties for any use case.