Company information

Mafi Timber - Kebony Logo

Mafi Timber - Kebony

Company location

Company location: Australia


Designed by our CI design partner AREA, Mafi now offers natural wood tables. Mafi tables are constructed using only wooden connections and are made without any metal construction. Mafi was the first company in its trade to opt uncompromisingly for the lacquer-free surface treated with natural oil. It is our conviction that wood can only display its positive features when it is treated and used in the most natural way possible. This means the timber has the fantastic features of wood’s natural finish: stays breathable, can regulate the humidity in a room and purify the air. These attributes help create a healthy living environment. Mafi Tables are sustainably made from wood sourced from managed forests.The tabletop is available in all our Mafi materials and surfaces including Tiger Oak, Coral Oak and Domino. The table legs are oiled with Mafi oil in natural, white or grey, and the material is always made out of stable Oak.