We Find the Right Manufacturers - If we are looking for a manufacturer of a specific expertise, we are often referred to these manufacturers by the very manufacturing partners that we are currently working with or have worked with us in the past. This is beneficial to all parties as mutual trust is often guaranteed through an intermediary. Over the years, we have gathered extensive and exclusive knowledge of where to find these experienced manufacturers that are often obscure to the outside world through our wide range of partners.
Dynamic Materials Management - We provide comprehensive materials management services for our customers and manufacturing partners. This has numerous mission-critical benefits to ensure that your product is:
By consolidating the buying process for critical components throughout the supply chain, Gracezone is able to ensure that genuine components are bought at the most competitive prices and are always available for scheduled production. To achieve this, Gracezone deals directly with component manufacturers, buys across multiple projects and absorbs holding costs needed to meet high minimum order quantities. In short, Gracezone manages the risks involved with materials management so that manufacturers and our customers do not have to.