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Earp Bros Innovative Tile Solutions

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Company location: Australia



Marble has been the main material used in construction since Ancient Greek and Roman times. Thanks to its technical properties and renowned beauty, this metamorphic rock is still used in flooring and Wall tiles today, and is even seen in furnishings such as countertops, basins and decorative elements.

L’Antic Colonial has a wide colour range of marbles that vary from the lightest colours, such as Blanco Almeria, to the darkest, such as Habana Dark, also including green, reddish, brown and cream tones.

Depending on the end use of the marble, L’Antic Colonial offers the option of choosing the stone finish, with a choice between Pulido and Classico for interiors, Sand Home and Lined Home for outdoor areas and Home and Lined as a covering.

PORCELANOSA Group offers different standard formats, such as 30x30, 30x60 and 40x80 cm, to make installation more straightforward, although as this is a natural stone, special orders can also be placed in any format and finish.