Medical Waste Disposal

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Inspired Waste Solutions Logo

Inspired Waste Solutions

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Company location: Australia


Medical waste refers to the solid waste that’s produced when human beings or animals are diagnosed, treated or immunized. This type of waste includes needles, surgical instruments, radioactive materials, body parts, pharmaceuticals, body fluid samples, blood, used surgical gloves, soiled bandages, and medical devices. Medical wastes are biohazards and they should be handled and/or disposed of with care to minimize their risk on people or the environment.

Handling Medical Wastes in Melbourne – Inspired Waste Solutions


There are different ways through which we handle clinical wastes across Melbourne. We have a team of experienced personnel that handles hospital waste management safely at all times in and around Melbourne.

To segregate the waste on-site, we have bins that are specially coded and labelled. These bins are used to sort clinical, sharps, medical, cytotoxic and pharmaceutical waste for easy and safe disposal. We understand the need for protecting the environment and other people hence, we sort medical waste for appropriate disposal. Remember, there are different types of medical waste/clinical wastes and they should be handled differently.

Our disposal bins have lockable lids to avoid removal or spillage of contents during transportation or disposal. Therefore, we ensure the safe handling of hazardous waste at all times regardless of the medical waste we are dealing with.

We have numerous safe disposal trucks across Melbourne that collect and transport waste materials. To ensure that we comply with all the regulations, our team always tracks and documents all the medical waste we handle.

We have a thermal destruction facility to destroy materials that cannot be reused. The facility has an automatic waste feed control that ensures efficient combustion and destruction of the materials using 1000°C temperature. However, if some of the material can be reused, we have an autoclave facility which is used to sterilize the equipment.