Metal Ceiling Systems

Company information

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SAS International

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Company location: Australia


Metal Ceiling Systems

TOP 3 Benefits:

• Health & Ecotoxicity

• Designed for Disassembly

• Durability

SAS International Metal Ceiling Systems are grid-mounted suspended steel and aluminium ceilings tailored to user’s requirements, fulfilling specific criteria including design, durability, installation, paint finish, integration, prefabrication, product standards, accessibility and maintenance. The main types of metal ceiling systems offered are:

  • Clip-in tiles with concealed suspension grid, generally a plain tile used in a clip in system can create tight butt joint, providing a washable ceiling plane and used for commercial kitchens, laboratories or humid environments
  • Hook-on tiles with concealed suspension grid.
  • Lay-in tiles with exposed suspension grid, specified in a wide range of sectors and offering demountable tiles while retaining layout.

SAS International Metal Ceiling Systems offer very low VOC emissions, high durability, and total recyclability of materials in the end of the useful life of the products, with the manufacturer being committed to product stewardship and offering a take-back scheme. The manufacturing site is ISO 14001, ISO 18001 and ISO 9001 certified.


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Certified with optional backings, including acoustic fleece, acoustic pads, plasterboard, and steel backing plate.