The Ecology Consultancy is an established provider of practical solutions to ecological problems. We have a well-deserved reputation for delivering independent, high-quality services to clients in the public and private sectors, and statutory agencies.
Our services include mitigation, translocation and habitat creation under licence from Natural England.
Mitigation is designed to limit the effects of development by enabling wild plants and animals to survive during the building phase and to live in harmony with the new development.
Our mitigation services include building artificial homes such as swift boxes and invertebrate log-piles and also include management details, such as retention of areas of relaxed mowing, to provide foraging for bats and butterflies. Bat mitigation is specialised work which may involve the re-creation of bat roosts.
Translocation is what we do when we cannot accommodate species on the development site.
Prior to capture, we use GIS mapping and field surveys to identify suitable natural habitat nearby. We then carefully capture animals such as reptiles or newts and release them into the new site. This process can take many months to ensure that almost all individuals are saved from harm.
Habitat creation
Habitat creation (or often re-creation), is used to enhance a site, providing new habitats for plant, insect and animal species.
We have considerable expertise in establishing meadow areas, ponds, reed beds and woodland. We have many examples of creating new habitats with developers and architects, often for eco-housing schemes, as well as recreation of lost habitat.
We are responsive to our clients’ needs and continually develop our business to maintain a high-quality, cost-effective, service. Our ecologists are
members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and are committed to the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct.
Contact your nearest office or email [email protected] to find out how we can help you.