Mold Removal Singapore

Company information

Big Red Group Logo

Big Red Group

Company location

Company location: Singapore


Humidity leads to an ideal environment for mold to thrive in. Flooding and water damage can lead to extensive growth as well. Damp Environments can also produce bacteria and release volatile organic compounds. Mold exposure can cause a number of health issues like throat irritation, runny nose, eye discomfort, cough and wheezing, as well as skin allergies in some cases.


To eradicate mold growth, assessment and remediation is essential. The most important measure that needs to be taken for mold removal is to reduce moisture levels. Remediation practice such as an assessment of the location and extent of the mold contamination in a building or home is vital to eliminate the source and ensure that the re-occurrence of mold is minimized. Removal of mold affected materials may be necessary.


Disaster Restoration Singapore (DRS) has vast experience, expert resources and an unrivaled track record in this complex area, bringing you all the advantages of a comprehensive solution. We are the market leaders in environmental assessment, source control and eradication of mould and fungus. DRS provides cutting edge solutions technology.