Multi-Surface Towels

Company information

Nimbus Eco Inc Logo

Nimbus Eco Inc

Company location

Company location: United States


Nimbus’ go anywhere, clean anything towel works on just about any surface from dishes to countertops and naturally remove 99.9% of germs. These amazing towels are compostable, anti-microbial, machine washable, and reusable up to 40 times!

Nimbus' Multi-Surface Towels designed with amazing anti-bacterial properties from FSC Eucalyptus fibers made into a natural rayon, feel secure with how each towel effectively removes dirt and grime. The durable towels with amazing zero chemical, anti-bacterial properties get to work on just about anything. They're the go anywhere, clean anything towels- from countertops, windows, bathroom, furniture, dishes, stoves, screens, cars, toys, mats, games, electronics, and more! Tested, retested, and certified- these re-usable and machine washable towels are a safe clean for your home.