Multipack Soft

Company information

Noble Naturals Ltd Logo

Noble Naturals Ltd

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Company location: United Kingdom


This family pack of 4 soft bristled toothbrushes contains the follwing colours:





Bristles are recyclable / partially bio-degradable

Handles are completely bio-degradable / compostable


Good for your family. Bristles are perfect for good clean feel for your teeth yet easy on the gums. The handle is comfortable for adults and kids

Good for the environment. No plastic parts! Handles are completely biodegradable and the bristles are made of nylon that can be pulled out and recycled. Even the packaging is made from recycled card and can be  recycled again.

Help to reduce the plastic going into landfills and thus improve your invironement.

Handles can be re-purposed as garden markers or craft items, etc.


Use after every meal for best results and brighter smiles!


Each box contains 4 individually wrapped and boxed toothbrush.

Each of the four toothbrushes in a box has a different colour on the lower end of the handle for easy identification by family members.

These family packs of firm bamboo toothbrushes are natural and biodegrdable. They feel great on your teeth while also reducing your waste in the environment, giving you one more reason to smile.

These toothbrushes are NATURAL & VEGAN

These bamboo toothbrushes are an ideal replacement for your plastic toothbrush and help combat the issue of waste in the environment. Make your switch today and begin your plastic free journey.

The facts:

  • The packaging we use is 100% recyclable and biodegradable
  • Our family packs come in firm, medium and soft bristles to suit your needs
  • Our bristles are attached with pressure into the brush head negating the need for glue.
  • Our toothbrushes can be recycled but the bristles need to be pulled out and thrown away in your general waste.
  • Our toothbrushes are coloured with a natural resin paint, a kind of plant paint – this allows you to compost your toothbrush handle.
  • Our bamboo is Mao bamboo and is panda friendly.

Need more reasons to switch?


  • THE PACK OF 4: Brushes should be replaced once a month or after any illness. For a family of 4 this is 1 month supply. For a single person, 4 months! Which means you can really start paying attention to your oral health without the worry of contaminating the environment.
  • MULTI-COLOURS: Everyone loves a little colour! And it makes it easier (in a family) to know whose brush is whose.
  • IT FEELS GOOD! From Earth to Earth brushes are soft and comfortable in your hand as well as in your mouth. You and your children may not want to put them down. Bamboo has a very nice natural energy about it – in contrast to common plastic brushes.