Natural Horticulture Oil - Organic Pest control

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·        Chemical pesticides have played a major role in securing food supplies the world over. However, excessive use has led to increased environmental pollution, harmful effects on friendly insects, birds, water, soil & human health and resistance among pests to the chemicals used there by making the chemical based pest control a liability in the long run rather than a friendly asset. 

·        The application of poisonous material to plants shuts down the protein synthesis  process of the plants,  activating the proteolysis, which interferes with housekeeping of the plants, breaking down its proteins,  accumulating glutamine etc., which in turn increases the susceptibility to diseases and pest attack. Thus affecting the entire system and increasing the demand for poison to grow food. 

·        Toxic pesticides, fungicide, herbicides, they kill  without discrimination without recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. Nature does not dictate it.    If the plants are healthy they produce  sugar of 12 + brix then same pest  move to  eat grass and weeds for food.

·        It is evident that plant immune system is linked to its robust health  and plants require microbes in the plant micro biome to reach this stage of health. Plants need passive immunity derived from   balanced chemistry, and active immunity due to plant biology. 

·        As we cannot eat the food of a cow,  the pests  by nature are born  with different digestive system  to eat foods having low sugar or over ripe, or  dying  food.  They never compete with humans for their food, it’s a natural security for humans.  For more information refer  * Soil ( 

·        Now unhealthy food with lower sugar, nutrients  is  snatched from the pest  and  sold for human consumption.  The traces of the poison enter, water, soil  and  may even be  delivered through our  food.  This is how we can understand why we have public health epidemic in civilized world.  




Insects and fungi are not the real cause of plant diseases but only attack unsuitable
varieties or crops imperfectly grown. Their true role is that of censors for pointing
out the crops that are improperly nourished and so keeping our agriculture up to the
mark. In other words, the pests must be looked upon as Nature's professors of
agriculture: as an integral portion of any rational system of farming.


1 / 10 / 20 / 50 liter packing


Natural Insect Repellent, Natural Pest Repellent, Natural Fungus Preventer

Natural Bacteria Preventer, Natural Nematode Preventer

Made from plant extracts,  to support  regain health of  plant  & soil  to build natural  resistance from within, in the event of stress.  It should be need based & never an essential to grow healthy food.






·        Natural Horticulture Oil is a Non edible emulsified containing multiple natural oil’s Azadrachtin, Citral, Linalool, Geraniol, Citronellol, Linalyl acetate, geranyl acetate, α-Pinene, Limoneneg, Terpenolene, α-terpineol, β-Ocimene, Methyl heptanone, menthol, menthone.

·        Natural plant oils are accepted by plants, they support them for  healthy growth, and reduce dependence of  Pest control, by natural products that has greater environmental benefits than using chemical pesticides. 

·        It has a broad spectrum of activities in the total crop care segment.   

·        By controlling, biotic and abiotic stresses and improving crop health and its yield.  

·        Naturally converts itself as fertilizer, helping soil regain its health and reduces application.

·        It is eco-friendly and helps to maintain the Ecological balance.





·        Protects from pests, It has, multipurpose utility for the plant acting both as pest repellant, bactericide and a fungicide. It works on arthropod pests that often eat vegetables, including tomato hornworms, corn earworm, aphids and whiteflies.

·        Natural Horticulture Oil is an effective natural repellent  that gets rid of over 200 species of insect. List of some of the most common insects can be controlled are Aphids, Mites, Scale, Leaf hoppers, White flies, Caterpillars, Mealy bugs, Thrips.  

·        Natural oils are great fungicide, Natural Horticulture oil prevents  and  kills fungus on your plants. Use it for powdery mildew and other common fungal diseases, including Black spot, Scab, Rust, Leaf spot, Anthracnose, Tip blight etc.,  In addition; it also controls common fungi that grow on vegetable plants, including: Mildews, Rusts, Leaf spots, Wilts, Stem rots. 

·        Fight with bacterial diseases for plants effectively. Our Natural Horticulture oil can kill fire blight, a bacterial disease that causes the leaves of plants to wilt and appear as though they have been burned and can be a good Bactericide for plants. 

·        It helps fungi to thrive. Fungi are carnivorous by nature.  Healthy fungi in turn control nematodes.

·        Beneficial to earth worms. The chemical pesticides can harm earthworm,  natural oil has the opposite effect by encouraging organic  activity,  which makes the soil healthy. 

·        It does not affect the natural enemies of plant. Safe to use with beneficial parasites,  predators & primates  and thus offers long lasting crop protection system.



·        When to apply ? at least a week in advance to prevent pest attack as a precautionary measure, which helps a great deal in control of pests at later stages.

·        So is it preventive care? Yes if the plants lack sunlight, or due to variation in climatic conditions the plants start losing their resistance. It is only then plants need support to avoid any attack from unwanted  sources. Or product should be used as preventive care so that the plants regain their health to ward off any pests. 

·        Can I use your product after pest attack ? No we do not recommend it use after pest infestation  as  our product is natural  repellant.

·        What if I need to use it as I would like to grow organic food? Prevention is the best cost effective method, however  if needed, the farmer may try higher dosages and increase the frequency of spray. Once the crops are healthy, farmer can switch back to regular usage. 

·        When to apply? To be done at Pre flowering stage / Post flowering stage / Seed or fruit development stage or as required. 

·        When to repeat ? Every 14 days. Using Natural horticulture oil’s do not kill insects they make them flee the area. So spraying at regular intervals is very important.

·        What quantity ? Recommended dosage is about 1 liter per acre with 100 liter mixed with water and sprayed.

·        Any advice?  Regular inspection & spraying with natural oil’s is helpful and effective. A dose of 1% solution is effective as a preventive spray, 2% to 3% solution can be used for tougher pests or disease. Begin with 1% solution and increase the percentage’s if needed while observing the situation diligently and increase if the pest are persistent, and reduce the application time to every week. For effective results use it immediately after mixing with water.



·        Using Natural Horticulture oil is tricky as there are no precise set of rules for application.

·        We will have to understand the situation and consider the type of plant & type of pest or infection we are targeting.

·        We will need stronger solution for tougher pest’s and infection.

·        Regular inspection & spraying with natural oil’s is helpful and effective.  A dose of 1% solution is effective as a preventive spray, 2% to 3% solution can be used for tougher pests or disease.

·        Begin with 1% solution and increase the percentage’s if needed while observing the situation diligently and increase if the pest is persistent. 

·        Using Natural horticulture oil’s do not kill insects they make them flee the area. So spraying at regular intervals is very important. For effective results mix required quantity only, to be used, immediately, do not mix and store for later use. 

·        Spraying should be done at Pre-flowering stage / Post flowering stage / Seed or fruit development stage or as required.   

·        What is a must ? Preventive care and application, coupled with regular inspection is essential for desired results from our natural repellents. 

·        What if the fields are infested with pests or are diseased heavily ? Do not use our product. As our product is made from all natural oil, we will have to understand the situation and consider the type of plant & type of pest or infection we are targeting and we may  need stronger solution for tougher pest’s and infection. 


·        Can it used directly on the soil ? Yes it can use directly on the soil at the time of land preparation to prevent soil borne disease and to help repel rodents.

·        What quantity ? Recommended dosage is about 1 liter per acre with 100 liter mixed with water and sprayed.

·        What if fields which already effected with soil borne disease and rodents  that are noted in our previous crops? Repeat application multiple times with a gap of 14 days. 

·        Any other, suggestions or  guide lines ?  As our product is made from all natural oils, there are no precise set of rules for application. We will have to understand the situation and consider the type of plant & type of pest or infection we are targeting. We will need stronger solution for tougher pest’s and infection. 


·        Cereals: Wheat, Teff, Maize, Corn Millet, Rice, Sorghum etc.

·        Pluses: Soya bean, Cowpea, Chickpea etc.

·        Vegetables & Cole crops:  Tomato, Squash, Potato, Celery, Cabbage, Lentils, Cucumber, Spinach, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Leek. Okra, French Beans, Brussels sprouts, Carrots, Yam, Broccolis, Asparagus, Melon, etc.

·        Fiber Crops: Cotton, Sisal, etc.

·        Orchards & Fruit Crops: Apple, Citrus, Mango, Banana, Grapes, Pineapple, Date palm, Peaches, Dewberry, Orange, Pomegranate, Plum, Strawberry, Sugarcane, Kiwi, Passion fruit, Pear, Cherry, etc.

·        Oils Seeds: Sesame, Soya bean, Mustard, Canola, Pea nuts. Linseed, etc.

·        Ornamental Crops: Cut flowers, Roses, Phatinia, Carnation, Petunia, Aster, Tulip, Snapdragon, etc.



·        Natural oils are biodegradable and do not persist in soil and water. Our natural oils are particularly useful as it possesses a wide range of desirable properties for pest management and is regarded as non-toxic to humans.

·        Since natural oils are a complex mixture of components, they work together within a plant and it is unlikely that pests will become resistant to them.

·        It is biodegradable and non-toxic. It’s safe for birds, pets, fish, livestock or other area wildlife making it safe and nature friendly. 

·        It does not create resistance or residue problems in any form. 

·        Natural Horticulture oil insecticide does not create a "Dead zone" around treated plants, trees or shrubs like other synthetic insecticides can. It only targets leaf-sucking and chewing insects.  On the contrary you can find increase in flora & fauna. 

·        Is it toxic to humans ? Natural oils are biodegradable and do not persist in soil and water. Our natural oils are particularly useful as it possesses a wide range of desirable properties for pest management and are regarded as non-toxic to humans.

·        Is it toxic to live stock birds, primates etc. ? It is biodegradable and non-toxic. It’s safe for birds, pets, fish, livestock or other area wildlife making it safe and nature friendly.



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·        Insects are natures garbage collectors & diseases are her clean up crew - William Albre

·        What is Natural Horticulture Oil ?

·        Is it a pesticide ? No it is a pest repellent. Using Natural horticulture oil’s do not kill,  they make them flee the area.

·        What is pest repellent? It keeps pest away, making them flee the area,  rather then, killing, and similar to odomos which is used to keep mosquitos away. 

·        What does it do? It acts as a repellent with many other long term benefits. 

·        Whom does it affect? It targets leaf-sucking and chewing insects & is effective to about 200 species and most common insects can be controlled and keep away primates & animals. 

·        Acts as a fungicide? It works on arthropod pests that often eat vegetables, including tomato hornworms, corn earworm, aphids and whiteflies.

·        What are the fungal diseases your product can control? You can use it for powdery mildew, other common fungal diseases, including Black spot, Scab, Rust, Leaf spot, Anthracnose, Tip blight and etc., In addition,  also controls common fungi that grow on vegetable plants, including: Mildews, Rusts, Leaf spots, Wilts, Stem rots. 

·        For bacterial Diseases? Our Natural Horticulture oil can kill fire blight, a bacterial disease that causes the leaves of plants to wilt and appear as though they have been burned and can be a good Bactericide for plants. 

·        What of Nematodes? They live in garden soil and feed on the roots of  plants, reducing the plant’s ability to take in water and nutrients they need to survive specific stresses like drought this is controlled,   by  letting  the natural carnivorous  fungi thrive,  and  this fungi  being carnivorous  automatically  kills the nematodes for its food.    

·        What of primates and other animals like monkeys & deer and the likes?  To keep them away,  our Natural horticulture oil, is most suitable by temporarily making the food taste bitter, give off flavors & smell  that they do not like,  so that they leave the place and yet we do not harm them. 

·        Where do these pests go as they are not killed?  The pests move to other area like grass and weed  for their food requirements.


·        Can we use it as a weedicide? No it is not a weedicide,  but  as we make domesticated crops healthy there by the pests move on to eat the grass and weed, so in a way it is natural weedicide. 

·        Will the pests become resistant? Since natural oils are a complex mixture of components, they work together within a plant and it is unlikely that pests will become resistant to them. 


·        Not all bugs are created equal & not all are bad either. There are plenty of good insects that help control the bad insects and keep your plants / farms safe & secure. Having beneficial insects promotes natural pest control and beneficial to health of plant, soil, humans & environment.

·        When do we need such interventions - controls? We need pest repellents only to keep them away from unhealthy plants until they regain health.

·        What we should be careful about  when taking such control measures? We should ensure that the product is natural, and it should help the ecology and after its utility / life span and  convert itself to friendly form. 


·        Adequate sunlight, water, macro & micro nutrients and healthy soil promote healthy plants.

·        Khuba soil conditioner provides you balanced soil conditioner with all required nutrients with many more added benefits like water saving etc.

·        Using  available plant extracts suitable to keep away pest like our natural horticulture oil.


·        One of the methods is to measure sugar in plant, understand brix level. As a generality plants having 12+ brix, naturally become pest and disease free and considered healthy. 


·        Why insects and diseases are effecting to plants? They are attracted to unhealthy plants as per the natural eco system, and when we optimize the soil health for domesticated crops  the weeds  start reducing automatically, because the pests start feeding on them rather than on healthy crop plants having higher sugar level  and also when the food starts to decay.

·        Why Pest attack our crops? If the plant is not healthy and unable to complete the 24 hour photo cycle lead to production of  incomplete sugars and these low  quality sugar  below 12 brix are unhealthy matter to human beings  but are  interesting to the pests. Because it is the food their digestive system are designed for. 




·        What levels of brix makes  insect loose interest in plants as a generality? Aphid group   6 to 8 Brix,  Sucking Insects  7 to 9 Brix,  Chewing insect  9 to 11 Brix, Grass Hopper  10 to 12 brix 

·        How do we measure brix? By refractometer or commonly used  brix meter,  generally used in sugar factories to measure cane sugar. 


·        What are food for insects & animals? It is cellulose material  plants put together,  whereas digestive system of insect, animals or human beings break these bonds apart that is in reverse order that of a plant.  A cow has enzymes to convert the grass using cellulose enzymes where as humans cannot do the same because we do not have similar enzymes.  

·        Termites eat wood, Love bugs eat decaying vegetation, clothes moths they eat clothes, dermestid beetle eat decaying meat, hair insects etc., and many flies lay eggs only on carrion (dead animals), cockroaches eat scraps of food which has fallen in inaccessible area. Fruit flies eat overripe, damaged, fermenting or in state of decay.  

·        Foods which are stored  in  ware house, which is the process of dying  are eaten by red flower beetle or  toothgrain beetle which are specifically known as store house insects. 

·        Therefore the foods are different even though they come from the same plant.  


·        Where is the food available for pest & animals? The animal kingdom thrives on different forms of sugars, nitrogen, amino acids, and nitrates as energy / protein source in specific form only. 

·        If the plant is not healthy and unable to complete the 24 hour photo cycle within 24 hours as mentioned above they lead to production incomplete sugars and these low quality sugar below 12 brix are unhealthy matter to human beings but become  interesting to the pests.

·        It is clear that the food for humans is not the food for pest like aphids, beetles, leaf hoppers because they do not have the digestive enzymes.  

·        They prefer, unfit or nutritionally poor or dead or dying food.   

·        Fruit flies prefer rotten / over ripe food.

·        This naturally  ensure that insects eat unhealthy food before we humans do. 


·        Will the need of such controls reduce for healthy plants? Yes It is evident that plant immune system is linked to its robust health. Plants need passive immunity derived from   balanced chemistry, and active immunity due to plant biology. This can be provided by sunlight, water, supply of nutrients by using Khuba soil conditioner. 

·        When can we expect such reduction of control? As soon as  the soil health, ecology, flora & fauna recover their health. Then we find that such means are essential in extreme conditions that we are forced to control the situation. By diligently using appropriate natural products that nature provides like our product Natural Horticulture Oil.

·        You mean pest control are not essential but to be used only when plant are stressed? Yes that is how we believe we should apply such controls, only to tide over the periods of stress to the plants. 

K.F.E.P.Industry - Agri Division - # 60, Khuba Plots, Kalaburgi 585102. Karnataka. India.Phone: 91 - 8472 - 256499, 256492, 256455. WhatsApp / Signal / IMO / Mobile:  91 - 9886700016 - 9590000959 - 9739990309 - 9886656013.  Email: [email protected]  & [email protected] Web site:  WEB SITE