Natural Laundry Powder Citrus Concentrate

Company information

Green Elephant Logo

Green Elephant

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Company location: Australia


The highly concentrated formula gives you thirty three washes from one bag – we don’t use chemical fillers so you only need 1 tablespoon per load.

100% natural – made from nothing but castile soap (made from organic Fair Trade olive, coconut, hemp and jojoba oils), washing soda (soda ash), baking soda, and lemon essential oil.

Safe for people with skin allergies as there is no chemical residue left behind in the clothes

Can be used in cold water and front loaders

No white residue on black clothes

Our home compostable earth bags are made from brown recycled paper and has a corn-based, 100% natural biofilm that is a renewable resource, and most importantly, is home compostable.  All you have to do is remove the labels and tin tie – which is on the top of the bag and holds it shut.  Then rip the bag into pieces, wet with a little water and put them straight into your compost pile or bin.