Good company practice and regulatory requirements create a need to map the environmental risks of potential oil spills and to identify preparedness and response options.
Our oil spill risk assessment service will help you achieve optimal oil spill preparedness and response solutions including plans, which ensure reduced environmental and socio-economic impacts.
DNV GL can assess and identify relevant risk-reducing measures, ensure documentation is in accordance with government regulations and help you implement oil spill preparedness solutions.
We perform quantitative oil spill risk assessments using state-of-the art 3D oil spill modeling tools combined with up-to-date species and habitat distribution and sensitivity data. Spill modelling can be preceded by blowout and kill studies, and well-specific assessments based on reservoir conditions, benchmarking analysis, statistical models and simulations.
Our oil spill risk assessments services use internationally-recognised tools and are compliant with standards specified by operators, oil spill response contractors and authorities.
We also make an ongoing contribution to the technological development of oil spill response equipment.
This service offers:
A detailed quantitative risk picture
Identification of priorities and environmentally-sensitive areas
Identification of risk reducing measures
Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA)
Oil spill contingency analysis and response plans
Customized solutions for near shore and shoreline response
Customized solutions for cold climate (Arctic) oil spill preparedness and response
Gap-analysis of current oil spill response solutions
State of the art 3D oil spill fate and trajectory model (OSCAR)
Operational oil spill support and technology advisory
Implementing standards for testing of spill response equipment
Verification of oil spill response technologies and plans.