ORCA is an innovative food waste solution

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Company location: United Kingdom


Think of ORCA as a giant mechanical stomach. The ORCA technology simply mimics a natural digestion process using microorganisms to transform food waste into an environmentally-safe liquid. Unlike traditional food waste disposal where waste is transported off site to landfill, ORCA works on-site, delivering substantial benefits to the environment and your business.

ORCA benefits

• Food waste is diverted from landfill

• Water and air pollution from food waste in landfill is eliminated

• Reduced CO2 emissions and traffic congestion as garbage trucks are removed from the road

• Cost savings on your waste management costs

• Prevention of odours and pests that are attracted to food waste decomposing in your waste bins

• Better handling of food waste for your staff

ORCA uses an aerobic digestion process along with microorganisms to transform food waste into an environmentally-friendly liquid that flows directly into existing plumbing on site.

ORCA food waste digesters come in four different sizes. The right model for you will depend on how much 

food waste you generate every day and how many hours a day you’ll be feeding the ORCA.