Organic Soil & Organic Compost

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Quality Organic Products

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Company location: United States


Are you looking for some organic soil or organic compost and trying to find the best kind for the right price? There are so many products to choose. Which one is the right one? Should you buy soil, or a blended mix, or compost? Or is potting soil the right product to buy? Feel free to call us at 210-651-0200, or email us and we can help you over the phone.

QOP Compost

A vegetable-based compost with finely screened horse manure, hay shavings, and coffee grounds. Suitable for all-around use in beds, lawns, and ideal for all types of gardening.

Lawn Dressing

Blend of horse manure compost, Poteet red sand, green sand, coffee grounds, and cedar flakes screened together for real fine & light mixture. Perfect for lawn applications.

Four-Way Soil Mix

Organic Soil combined with our QOP Compost, Poteet red sand, and coffee grounds all screened together to make our most popular blend for general landscape use. Also a great benefit as a base before sodding grass.