Outdoor Green Walls

Company information

Green Roof Plants Logo

Green Roof Plants

Company location

Company location: United States


Grow beautiful and functional wall gardens with LiveWall® Outdoor, the vertical garden system which provides a healthy growing environment for plants in virtually any climate.

Building owners construct outdoor green walls because they are excellent marketing tools that signal environmental stewardship, cool buildings, expand usefulness, attract songbirds and pollinators, and promote healthier, happier residents, customers and employees.

To overcome the challenges of growing plants accustomed to a horizontal landscape in a vertical garden, LiveWall simulates a natural growing environment with natural orientation, effective drainage, and rain-like irrigation.

Additionally, LiveWall uses the highest quality components that can stand up to the elements, such as UV-resistant molded planters and anodized aluminum rails.  Removable planter inserts make LiveWall the practical choice to grow a wide variety of plants.