ow can a business meet its water stewardship targets?

Company information

Natural Capital Partners Logo

Natural Capital Partners

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Company location: United Kingdom


Meet your commitments to water stewardship through projects which deliver verified results and impact in water-stressed areas. Whether it is to improve resilience in your supply chain, deliver a broad environmental programme, or enhance your reputation in consumer markets, water stewardship projects use results-based finance to enable you to immediately meet your targets and deliver positive impact to communities.

Water stewardship projects for business

Projects include water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), water efficient agriculture, provision of clean drinking water, and solar water heating.  In addition to water stewardship, the projects deliver positive impacts to health and well-being, food and financial security, and women’s empowerment.

Project results are monitored and independently verified through the Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), offering third-party assured impact figures to meet your water stewardship commitments and demonstrate industry leadership.