Panel & Modular Luminaire Alden

Company information

Kosnic Lighting Ltd Logo

Kosnic Lighting Ltd

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Company location: United Kingdom


The Kosnic Alden LED panel offers direct backlit lighting with wide-angle optics to achieve even light distribution across the surface of the luminaire and is an easy-to-retrofit replacement for in-lay ceiling tile fittings. The panels are supplied with flicker-free drivers as standard and suitable for visually demanding non-transient task areas such as offices and educational premises where users require high quality lighting to maintain well-being.


Save up to 50% energy usage compared to traditional fluorescent fittings

UGR <19 according to BS EN 12464

Class III panel supplied with class II flicker-free driver as standard

Polystyrene TP(a) rated diffuser

Compatible with the Kosnic emergency modules

DALI, 1-10V and PUSH alternative driver available

Optional suspension kit available

IP44 when ceiling recess mounted

High lumen output

Long life of 40,000h

Instant start

Negligible UV output

Product List